Annie's Homegrown Organic Orchard Grape Fruit Bites - 5 CT

Annie's® Homegrown® Organic Orchard Grape Fruit Bites..
1 Serving Fruit Per Pouch!
Rabbit Of Approval, Berale Organic.
4 Fun Shapes!
No Artificial Colors, Flavors Or Preservatives.
USDA Organic.
5-0.63 oz (18g) pouches.
Dear Friend,
With one serving of fruit in every pouch, Annie's Organic Orchard fruit bites receive thumbs-up from parents. The good news for kids (big and small!) is our delicious fruit bites are fun to eat. Real fruit, real tasty and real fun - now that's unbeatable! Bye for now.
1 Serving of Fruit.
Certified Organic.
No Artificial Colors, Flavors or Preservatives.
Excellent Source of Vitamin C.
Vegan/Gelatin Free.
Naturally Gluten Free.
Think Organic.
97% Real Fruit.
Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth.
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